Elisa Guerra | Curriculum Author, Global Prize Edu Leader + Consultant | Mexico


Elisa received, in 2015, the Alas IDB Award as «Best Educator in Latin America», given by the Interamerican Development Bank and «Movimiento Alas».

Presently, Elisa Guerra is member of UNESCO’s International Commission for the «Futures of Education» (2019-2021)

She was one of the 2016 TOP50 finalists for the GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE and was also a TOP50 Finalist in 2015. This award has been called the «Nobel Prize» for Teaching.

Elisa is Founder and Teacher at Colegio Valle de Filadelfia (PreK -9th). Her school model has been replicated in 11 campuses in 5 Latin American countries.

She has volunteered as Director for The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential for Latin America since 2001, where she has worked with well and brain-injured children and their families.

Elisa has lectured in English and Spanish in 16 different countries. She presented a keynote for the European Parliament in Brussels and has also been a speaker at the World Innovation Summit for Education, in Doha, and many times at the Global Education & Skills Forum in Dubai.

She has worked as a teacher in each one of the three basic education levels in México. For junior high school level, she developed a complete flipped classroom for History and Geography, including collaborative projects, videos, evaluation rubrics, and teaching suggestions. These materials have been available on the Internet since 2009 to be used freely by teachers and students of junior high school education.
For this purpose, she created a YouTube channel: WebSchool Filadelfia. Additionally, the channel ValledeFiladelfia, also on YouTube, shares videos of lectures and work in a classroom.

Published Books:

«Learning to read at 3: Doman Method applied in the Preschool Classroom» (In Spanish) This book has consistently ranked no. 1 in sales en Amazon México in its categoryElisa has also authored textbooks for preschool and elementary school, published by Pearson Education: Series for Early Learning in Reading, Writing and Global Culture in Preschool. The series consists of a total of 12 books in three degrees as well as digital materials for students and teachers.

For elementary school students, her series «Interacciones: Lenguaje y Comunicación» focuses on language, global citizenship, cultures from around the world, greek and Latin word roots and entrepreneurship.

Her last book, «Teaching in the Fourth Industrial Revolution», coauthored with Armand Doucet, Michael Soskil, Koen Timmers, Jelmer Evers, and Nadia Lopez has received international acclaim. Originally published in English, it has also been translated into Spanish.


In 2017, Al Jazeera produced a documentary about Elisa, named «Mexico: The Power of Early Education», as part of the series «Rebel Education», which aim was to portray six of the most innovative educational practices from around the world.

instagram: @elisaguerracruz

facebook: Elisa M Guerra

LinkedIn: Elisa Guerra

website: www.ElisaGuerra.net

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