What does it mean to Teach With L.O.V.E.?

Teaching should come from a place of deep love. This isn't about the fluffy or superficial "I love all my students" sentiment, but rather intentional, culturally informed actions that aim to Lift Others' Voices Everyday™️ - an action that is integral to our programs. The main aim of our L.O.V.E. framework is to foster and cultivate a culturally informed education system that is inclusive, equitable, and empowering for all students, faculty and stakeholders. This involves continuous learning and adaptation, informed by the culturally different lived experiences of educators and community members.

Who are we?

We’re a women and BIPOC owned International Education Program, founded by Taína Benitez. Our mission is to cultivate culturally informed educators and leaders. Our mission funds our purpose. All proceeds from our programs empower us in furthering our efforts in elevating underserved educator and educational leaders by developing new leadership, through mentorship, resources and bringing international opportunities... where none existed for us. We’re funded through supporters, small businesses, advocates and this Purpose-driven Community that serves ALL educators of all backgrounds, identities and experiences.

Join us on our mission!

Our Thought Leaders, represent and amplify cultures from around the world, and embody the "global majority". When executed by those who represent these communities, intercultural programs serve as a seed for cultivating culturally informed best practices, enhance engagement methods and elevate interactions.

What does our Community do?

We are a community of educators, leaders and allies who travel for the love of experiencing a deeper dive into how the cultures of the world today are perceived. As famous educator Paolo Freire would say, our educators are "not afraid to see the world unveiled". Through experiences while we travel, and with guidance from our TWL Thought Leaders and TWL Local Culture Educators, we, at Teach With Love, truly believe that experiencing diverse cultures through travel can be an important and transformative experience for educators, helping them to develop culturally informed best practices and become more responsive leaders. Additionally, it highlights the value of community and grassroots efforts in supporting educational programs, as well as a commitment to promoting the work and ideas of influential educators like Paolo Freire. Finally, our mission at Teach With Love is reflected in our professional learning experiences, which serve not only as a means of raising funds for other Teach With Love™️ Programs but also as an integral part of our organization's broader vision and goals.

Together, we can foster empathy, promote social justice, and make sure every voice is lifted and heard.

Click here for info on our free Teach With Love™️ Programs.

Click here for frequently asked questions.

Click here to see upcoming Programs that fund our TTL and Student Trips

Scroll down to meet our team and supporters!


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