Taína Benitez | CEO, Edu Leadership + Global Program Developer


"The heartbeat of true community is the genuine acknowledgment and recognition of every individual's presence." - bell hooks.

However, it's not always as simple as merely stepping into that space to be acknowledged, is it? Systemic barriers have, for too long, silenced those without power and kept many hidden from sight. But with a commitment to fostering cultural intelligence, we can elevate those voices, enabling them to be heard and valued. This is not just a goal or aspiration—this is her purpose.

Taína (she/her) is a Latina CEO and founder of Teach With Love™️. She’s deeply passionate about leading and learning from a team of vibrant culturally intelligent leaders. One significant way she’s channeled this passion is through the creation of the L.O.V.E. framework (lift others voices every day™️), designed to enable educators and leaders to develop culturally informed best practices and evolve into more responsive leaders, which is currently in the trademarking process. This framework emphasizes the importance of recognizing and amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard.

Taína regularly collaborates with world leaders, policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to advocate for cultural intelligence, equality and accessibility. With experience spanning 5 continents and 34 countries, she’s developed a global perspective that she considers both a strength and a responsibility. Beyond her professional skills, she deeply values the empathy she carries, which she believes is a crucial piece of the puzzle in reshaping the future landscape of education and work.Her journey has provided her with a unique blend of skills. She prides herself on resilience, adaptability, and the innovative thinking she brings to the table.

In 2012, Taína founded "Teach With Love™️," not just as a purpose-driven organization, but as a heartfelt community. We're dedicated to fostering culturally-informed best practices and providing resources to the folks who need them most. Through this, and as a speaker at numerous conferences, she’s been fortunate to share stages with some of the brightest minds in education and have learned immensely from every interaction.

Her goals are clear yet expansive: promoting culturally-informed leadership, serving as the glue that bonds culture and leadership through cultural intelligence and continuously learning and sharing. Elevating BIPOC leaders are pursuits close to her heart. Taína’s aspiration is not just to inspire but to be inspired every day.

Taína’s background, from being a high school drop-out and a first-generation college student to growing up in diverse communities, has constantly reminded her of the difference love and representation can make. Despite her achievements and unique experiences, what truly warms her heart is the difference she’s been able to make in people's lives and hope to continue making in the lives of many.

A proud descendant of Afro-Caribbean + Arawak Taíno Tribe, Taína has her Master’s Degree in Ed Leadership (MEd-EdL) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational (Business) + Relational Communications. Taína is a wife and mother of three really cool sons, when not working, you will find her with her family of five who have been traveling since 1995!

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T Benitez